The beautiful oil painting, "Siren's Call to Service," by artist Carol Chretien, arrived in Arkansas. We loved the photos of the painting that we had seen, but when we saw the painting in person, it is breath-taking!
Carol wrote a beautiful post on her blog, describing what inspired her to make this painting.
Thanks to the thoughtfulness of Carol, the fire safety dogs and I will have yet another way to help carry on the work of Sparkles through the Keep Kids Fire Safe Foundation. The painting will help us raise funds for the foundation, and will, in turn, help the foundation provide low or no cost fire safety materials to children, fire departments, schools and other organizations.
Carol donated the painting to the fire safety dogs and myself. Prints of the painting as well as other items will be available with 100% of the proceeds benefiting the foundation.
Below are some pictures of the painting's progress.

Thank you so much, Carol for your thoughtfulness and for helping us keep children and their caregivers fire safe!
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