Received these two nice notes from Adam and his mom, Heather. Adam was the winner of Michelle Brownlow's
My Semblance of Sanity blog contest a couple of weeks ago and received lots of goodies from Sparkles. Adam is also a Sproutlet and enjoys watching Sparkles and Spanner's fire safety tips on
PBS KIDS Sprout.Dear FireFighter Dayna~
Thank you very much for 'my mail'. As you can see, I got so surprised to see a package for ME from Sparkles. 'Mama, she even signed it for ME & Brother!!!' I love it when dogs 'talk' to me!

Dear Dayna~
We listen/read along with Sparkles about every other day. The package was such a fun present for them and we had to put up the fire alarm RIGHT away so that the firemen 'know where to find my boys'. (Because the one we had already, is NOT the same Mama.) I'm enclosing some pics...1) Adam learning the package is from Sparkles, 2) Dad & Adam reading THE MAIL, 3) Working on his 'firemap'the next morning, still in jammies 'cuz it's 'portant'. Dayna, your strategies work. REALLY work. Because they are simplewords the kids already know. Taught by a dog that is 'real' and not pretend. She has a human that loves her and '
she shows me how I'm soso brave.' You are making a difference and it does matter. Because that means that if something ever happens, my boys will know the words/actions they need to use. Even if I have to remind them, I won't have to teach it to them in the moment.

Thank you Adam and Heather for sending the nice notes and great pictures!
Firefighter Dayna, Sparkles and Spanner