Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Big Shoutout to Celia Clinton Elementary Students!

Yesterday Firefighter Dayna and received a note from Principal Tanya Davis, on the acts of two very brave Celia Clinton Elementary students. Wow! The students at Celia Clinton rock!

Here's the scoop. Recently, the Tulsa Rotary Club purchased my book, Sparkles the Fire Safety Dog, a children’s fire safety book, for each of Davis’ students (thank you Tulsa Rotary Club members!). Firefighter Dayna and I made the trip to share my book and fire safety messages at the school. We had so much fun!
Here is Principal Davis’ note:

“The other day one of our Kindergarten student’s house caught fire in the middle of the night. She and her father both escaped. The father spent a few days in ICU for smoke inhalation on a ventilator. After a few days out, she came back to school and I had the chance to talk with her. I asked her how she got out of the house. She said, "I crawled on the floor just like Sparkles taught me to." She got down on the floor and demonstrated it to me right in the office floor. She said "smoke was everywhere and I stayed low to get away from it." I knew you would want to hear that!

Then, I was walking down the hallway on Monday and one of my third graders came running up to me and said, "Mrs. Davis, my microwave caught on fire and I grabbed my brothers and sisters and we got out of the house because we saw smoke." She took a quick breath and then said, "Sparkles taught us to get out quick, so we ran outside. My mom couldn't find us because we were all outside." She said "Firefighter Dayna and Sparkles would be very proud of us." I told her I would email you and let you know about this.”

Wow! I am so happy that the children and their families are safe! Props to Principal Davis for sharing this fire safety story! I'd like to give a big shout out to the students that knew what to do! You guys rock!
Keep up the great work and remember to practice fire safety everyday!
See Sparkles in Action! Read the complete updated story HERE.
Here are three news stories from Tulsa stations:

Video #1
Video #2
Video #3
An article in the Tulsa World appeared on November 25th. It may be read HERE or by clicking on the picture below.

A few pictures from the event on November 24 may be seen HERE.

Blogs have been posting stories as well and some may be found at the following locations:
Author Cheryl Rainfield's Blog
The Dalmatian Location
Kid Tested, Librarian Approved Blog
Notes from students at Celia Clinton may be found throughout the blog. More newscast videos and pictures coming soon.

For more information on Sparkles the Fire Safety Dog and her work in helping keep children and their caregivers fire safe, please visit her Sparkles the Fire Safety Dog's Website.

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